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Anomaly Detection CLI

Anomaly detection CLI lets you call anomaly detection APIs with the esad command.

You can use the CLI to:

  • Create detectors
  • Start, stop, and delete detectors
  • Create named profiles to connect to your cluster

Install the anomaly detection plugin to your Elasticsearch instance, run the CLI using macOS or Linux, and connect to any valid Elasticsearch end-point.


Launch your local Elasticsearch instance and make sure you have the anomaly detection plugin installed.

To install the anomaly detection CLI:

  1. Download and extract esad binaries.

  2. Make the esad file executable:
    chmod +x ./esad
  3. Move the binaries to your path for root users:
    sudo mv ./esad /usr/local/bin/esad

    Or add it to the current path:

    export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)
  4. Check if the CLI is installed:
    esad --version

    You should see the command prints of the esad version you installed.


Before using the CLI, you must configure your credentials.

To quickly get started, run the esad profile create command:

esad profile create

Enter profile's name: dev
ES Anomaly Detection Endpoint: https://localhost:9200
ES Anomaly Detection User: admin
ES Anomaly Detection Password:

Specify a unique profile name. The create command doesn’t allow duplicate profiles.

Alternatively, you can also use a configuration file:

- endpoint: https://localhost:9200
  username: admin
  password: foobar
  name: default
- endpoint: https://odfe-node1:9200
  username: admin
  password: foobar
  name: dev

Save the file in ~/.esad/config.yaml. If save you file to a different location, set the appropriate environment variable:

export ESAD_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/config_file

Using the CLI

  1. The complete syntax for an esad command is as follows:
    esad <command> <subcommand> [flags and parameters]
  2. To start a detector:
    esad start [detector-name-pattern]
  3. To see help documentation:
    esad --help
    esad <command> --help
    esad <command> <subcommand> --help