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Use the index state management operations to programmatically work with policies and managed indices.

Table of contents

Add policy at index creation

You can attach a policy to an index at the time you’re creating the index.


PUT index_1
  "settings": {
    "opendistro.index_state_management.policy_id": "ingest_policy",
    "opendistro.index_state_management.rollover_alias": "some_alias"
  "aliases": {
    "some_alias": {
      "is_write_index": true

In this case, the ingest_policy is applied to index_1 with the rollover action defined in some_alias.

Create policy

Creates a policy.


PUT _opendistro/_ism/policies/policy_1
  "policy": {
    "description": "ingesting logs",
    "default_state": "ingest",
    "states": [
        "name": "ingest",
        "actions": [
            "rollover": {
              "min_doc_count": 5
        "transitions": [
            "state_name": "search"
        "name": "search",
        "actions": [],
        "transitions": [
            "state_name": "delete",
            "conditions": {
              "min_index_age": "5m"
        "name": "delete",
        "actions": [
            "delete": {}
        "transitions": []

Sample response

  "_id": "policy_1",
  "_version": 1,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "_seq_no": 7,
  "policy": {
    "policy": {
      "policy_id": "policy_1",
      "description": "ingesting logs",
      "last_updated_time": 1577990761311,
      "schema_version": 1,
      "error_notification": null,
      "default_state": "ingest",
      "states": [
          "name": "ingest",
          "actions": [
              "rollover": {
                "min_doc_count": 5
          "transitions": [
              "state_name": "search"
          "name": "search",
          "actions": [],
          "transitions": [
              "state_name": "delete",
              "conditions": {
                "min_index_age": "5m"
          "name": "delete",
          "actions": [
              "delete": {}
          "transitions": []

Add policy

Adds a policy to an index. This operation does not change the policy if the index already has one.


POST _opendistro/_ism/add/index_1
  "policy_id": "policy_1"

Sample response

  "updated_indices": 1,
  "failures": false,
  "failed_indices": []

Update policy

Updates a policy. Use the seq_no and primary_term parameters to update an existing policy. If these numbers don’t match the existing policy or the policy doesn’t exist, ISM throws an error.


PUT _opendistro/_ism/policies/policy_1?if_seq_no=7&if_primary_term=1
  "policy": {
    "description": "ingesting logs",
    "default_state": "ingest",
    "states": [
        "name": "ingest",
        "actions": [
            "rollover": {
              "min_doc_count": 5
        "transitions": [
            "state_name": "search"
        "name": "search",
        "actions": [],
        "transitions": [
            "state_name": "delete",
            "conditions": {
              "min_index_age": "5m"
        "name": "delete",
        "actions": [
            "delete": {}
        "transitions": []

Sample response

  "_id": "policy_1",
  "_version": 2,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "_seq_no": 10,
  "policy": {
    "policy": {
      "policy_id": "policy_1",
      "description": "ingesting logs",
      "last_updated_time": 1577990934044,
      "schema_version": 1,
      "error_notification": null,
      "default_state": "ingest",
      "states": [
          "name": "ingest",
          "actions": [
              "rollover": {
                "min_doc_count": 5
          "transitions": [
              "state_name": "search"
          "name": "search",
          "actions": [],
          "transitions": [
              "state_name": "delete",
              "conditions": {
                "min_index_age": "5m"
          "name": "delete",
          "actions": [
              "delete": {}
          "transitions": []

Get policy

Gets the policy by policy_id.


GET _opendistro/_ism/policies/policy_1

Sample response

  "_id": "policy_1",
  "_version": 2,
  "_seq_no": 10,
  "_primary_term": 1,
  "policy": {
    "policy_id": "policy_1",
    "description": "ingesting logs",
    "last_updated_time": 1577990934044,
    "schema_version": 1,
    "error_notification": null,
    "default_state": "ingest",
    "states": [
        "name": "ingest",
        "actions": [
            "rollover": {
              "min_doc_count": 5
        "transitions": [
            "state_name": "search"
        "name": "search",
        "actions": [],
        "transitions": [
            "state_name": "delete",
            "conditions": {
              "min_index_age": "5m"
        "name": "delete",
        "actions": [
            "delete": {}
        "transitions": []

Remove policy from index

Removes any ISM policy from the index.


POST _opendistro/_ism/remove/index_1

Sample response

  "updated_indices": 1,
  "failures": false,
  "failed_indices": []

Update managed index policy

Updates the managed index policy to a new policy (or to a new version of the policy). You can use an index pattern to update multiple indices at once. When updating multiple indices, you might want to include a state filter to only affect certain managed indices.


POST _opendistro/_ism/change_policy/index_1
  "policy_id": "policy_1",
  "state": "delete",
  "include": [
      "state": "searches"

Sample response

  "updated_indices": 0,
  "failures": false,
  "failed_indices": []

Retry failed index

Retries the failed action for an index. For the retry call to succeed, ISM must manage the index, and the index must be in a failed state. You can use index patterns (*) to retry multiple failed indices.


POST _opendistro/_ism/retry/index_1
  "state": "delete"

Sample response

  "updated_indices": 0,
  "failures": false,
  "failed_indices": []

Explain index

Gets the current state of the index. You can use index patterns to get the status of multiple indices.


GET _opendistro/_ism/explain/index_1

Sample response

  "index_1": {
    "index.opendistro.index_state_management.policy_id": "policy_1"

Delete policy

Deletes the policy by policy_id.


DELETE _opendistro/_ism/policies/policy_1

Sample response

  "_index": ".opendistro-ism-config",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "policy_1",
  "_version": 3,
  "result": "deleted",
  "forced_refresh": true,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 2,
    "successful": 2,
    "failed": 0
  "_seq_no": 15,
  "_primary_term": 1