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Window Functions

A window function performs a calculation across a frame of data rows around the current row and finds a result for each row.

PARTITION BY and ORDER BY define the frame of data over which the calculation is made.

You can use window functions in the following three categories:

  1. Aggregate Functions: COUNT(), MIN(), MAX(), AVG(), and SUM().
  2. Ranking Functions: ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), PERCENT_RANK(), and NTILE().
  3. Analytic Functions: CUME_DIST(), LAG(), and LEAD().

The syntax of a window function is as follows:

function_name (expression [, expression...])
  OVER (
    PARTITION BY expression [, expression...]
    ORDER BY expression [ASC | DESC] [, ...]

The PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses are optional.

To use window functions, enable the new SQL engine:

PUT _cluster/settings
 "persistent": {
    "" : "true"

Ranking functions

Ranking functions assign an incremental ranking value to each row in the frame.

The increase in the ranking value depends on how the ranking function is implemented. The ranking value is mostly determined by the field values in the ORDER BY clause. If the PARTITION BY clause is also present, the ranking function resets its state, while maintaining the incremental ranking value.

If you use the ranking function without the ORDER BY clause, the result is undetermined. Without the ORDER BY clause, ROW_NUMBER assigns a random number to each data row while RANK and DENSE_RANK assign a ranking value of 1 to each data row.


The RANK function assigns a ranking value to each row of a result set. It assigns the same ranking value for the same field values specified in the ORDER BY list.

SELECT gender, RANK()
  ORDER BY gender DESC
AS rnk FROM accounts;
gender rank
M 1
M 1
M 1
F 4

In this case, the next few ranks are skipped depending on the number of ties that occur.


ROW_NUMBER assigns a number to each data row of the result set sequentially. The row number increases by 1 regardless of the fields specified in the ORDER BY list.

SELECT gender, balance, ROW_NUMBER()
  PARTITION BY gender ORDER BY balance
AS num FROM accounts;
gender balance num
F 32838 1
M 4180 1
M 5686 2
M 39225 3


Similar to the RANK function, DENSE_RANK also assigns a ranking value to each row but without any gaps between the ranking values.

  ORDER BY gender DESC
AS rnk FROM accounts;
gender rank
M 1
M 1
M 1
F 2